Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Celebrity Connection- Michael J. Fox

I just watched The Secret of My Success the other day. It's an 80s comedy with Michael J. Fox. Think really bad John Hughes meets big business. Like most of Fox's not Back to the Future movies, it's completely air-headed and asks the audience to suspend their disbelief far more than it should, which would be fine if it had been, ya know, funny or something. But while watching it there was one thing that I couldn't stop thinking about:

Could Michael J. Fox really just be Eric Stoltz in disguise? You decide.


  1. I do see the comparison

    Oddly enough I enjoyed The Secret of My Success. Sure it is fanciful fluff, but it is one of those lazy Saturday afternoon films that I catch myself watching it every now and then on television

  2. Didn't notice it until I watched Some Kind of Wonderful again. There were many scenes there where Eric Stoltz seemed to be just a taller, red-headed Michael J. Fox.

  3. Holy goodness! You're right! Pretty good being able to make these celebrity connections while watching something.

  4. You do know that they started shooting Back to the Future with Eric Stoltz, but then ditched him when Zemeckis didn't like him, right? That little nugget of trivia actually made its way into a recent episode of Fringe, if you knew to look for it.

  5. Celtic- tis both gift and curse ;)

    Vamce-Did not know this and do not know what Fringe is but it's very interesting trivia. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Fringe is an X-Files type procedural drama on Fox, starring Joshua "Pacey Whitter" Jackson and two very interesting Australian actors: Anna Torv and John Noble (who played that king who eats his foot grossly in Return of the King). Also stars The Wire's Lance Reddick, whose eyes can stare through walls.

  7. Haha, I think you are right!
    Stoltz is just taller with red hair:)

  8. I think Tilda Swinton is Eric Stoltz in disguise (he wanted the hardware)
