Thursday, September 23, 2010

TIFF Red Carpets: The Town

Having come unprepared the day before and focusing solely on getting snapshots of the stars, Saturday was when I started getting a taste of autographs instead, which ultimately meant more time begging for stars to come over and less time snapping pictures (I missed John Hamm, Jeremy Renner and Rebecca Hall). Regardless, there are still some good ones to come.
Chris Cooper was the first to arrive. I don't think I saw him stop for anyone even though a few people called for him. He just walked on and smiled. He looks to me like someone's kind old grandpa.
Rachel Lefevre showed up unexpectedly and the Twilight fans went wild. Personally I had no idea who she was at first

Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck showed up together and went in opposite directions. She headed right for the press but (seen here) assured the screaming masses that she would be back and she held to her word. She also favoured the people on the ends who usually get overlooked, which means I didn't get anything from her but that was nice of her anyway.

I think Ben Affleck was born with a pen in his hand. He motored through the crowd, signing just about everything. Even the picture of him that appeared in the newspaper the next day out and about town was of him signing something. He signed my copy of Good Will Hunting.
The crowd went nuts for Blake Lively, who blew through giving autographs so quickly it was nearly impossible to get a good picture of her. Unfortunately my Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants DVD got missed by an inch for the second time that day


  1. Looks exciting. A evening with the stars!

    By the way, I've been visiting your blog a bit more recently. I like it quite a bit.

  2. Thank you sir, more pictures to come soon. Yours is none too shabby either ;)

  3. Nice. I love it when bloggers get to do this sort of grassroots journalism sort of thing. Best part of the gig (although I seldom have the chance, to be honest).

  4. Darren, it's true although when I went to these I was more thinking about myself than the blog. The lightbulb really didn't click until after.

  5. hey there
    i've read loads of your blog and i think its great, i've just done a review of the town and think it's fantastic
    i'm 15 and attempting and failing epically to create a vaguely successful film blog of my
    at the moment im doing a piece on tarantino and various other current movie reviews
    i'll definetly be following this blog and recommending it to my massive fan base of 7
    would be grateful if you could check out my blog
    thanks very much
