Horror was having a bad time of it in the 90s. The grisly slashers of the late 70s and early 80s were gone, and unless your last name was King or Barker, chances are most American horror up until 1996 was relegated to home video. Despite sticking to genre in 1995's IN THE MOUTH OF MADNESS and 1996's CHILDREN OF THE DAMNED, John Carpenter wasn't having any success at the box office. Wes Craven was faring even worse. After trying to mix genres in THE PEOPLE UNDER THE STAIRS (1991) and his return to Elm Street with WES CRAVEN'S NEW NIGHTMARE (1994) he hit a personal low point with the Eddie Murphy vehicle VAMPIRE IN BROOKLYN. Things clearly needed to change.
It's hard to look back almost through 15 years of countless imitations, parodies, and direct sequels to see the original film for what it was: a clever, hip (at the time) take on the traditional slasher film, self-aware and yet completely serious in trying to build tension and suspense during its dramatic moments. Written by new kid on the block Kevin Williamson and directed with a nice pace and eye to style by Craven, SCREAM boasts enough of its share of great character moments and set pieces to qualify it as a minor horror classic - you can't put it on the same shelf shelf as HALLOWEEN, DEEP RED, or even Craven's own NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET - but to dismiss its merits would be to deny its impact (lamentable at times to be sure) on films both inside and outside the genre.
A lot of the credit goes to Williamson's sharp script, which manages to mix its horror references on multiple levels, provide more than a cursory bit of depth to its supporting characters, and weave a twisted plot that keeps everything on its toes until the climactic reveal. It
But now here's where things get a bit dicey. SCREAM showed studios that, with the right mix, horror can be financially viable again. Within a year Kevin Williamson was practically diving back in the well, first with I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER, a script based on Lois Duncan's novel of the same name and actually written prior to SCREAM, and then with THE FACULTY - both films capitalizing on the things that invigorated SCREAM: a young well known cast from television, in-jokes and a self-aware hipster sense of dialog (in some ways Williamson feels a bit like the Diablo Cody of the 90s), and inventive if increasingly diluted violence, suspense, and horror. SCREAM 2 came soon after, and was unable to achieve anywhere near the same sense of fun and danger the first film had.
But they all made money, and anyone who watches the trends of the Hollywood machine knows that once you find a formula that works, you use it for all your washings. And so the cleverness and freshness that was SCREAM begat I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER, which begat DAWSON'S CREEK (work with me here), which made a start out of Joshua Jackson so he could suffer along with everyone else in URBAN LEGEND,which in turn came around the bend with dreck TEACHING MRS. TINGLE, FINAL DESTINATION, I STILL KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER, URBAN LEGEND 2, SCREAM 3, and a myriad of PG-13 films starring CW and WB television stars that would dilute horror so much it would seem like a step backward for the genre, eerily mirroring what would happen in the 2000s with the "J-Horror" craze (a term which itself is misleading, since so many of the films were also coming out of Korea and Thailand as well as Japan).
Horror being the cyclical beast it is, we'd same the same thing happen again after THE SIXTH SENSE, obligating every film to have a "twist" ending. SAW, now up to its sixth sequel, paved the way for HOSTEL (and its sequel, and WOLF CREEK and TURISTAS and and....), making "torture porn" (another misleading catch-all) a viable sub-genre. And in another few years something else will come around that we'll burn into the ground through countless repetition.
Scream, rinse, repeat.
Ordinarily, I wouldn't have thought Scream influenced much, but that was a damn convincing article! Very good job!
ReplyDeleteThanks, glad you liked it. Before I revisited the movie to write this I didn't even remember liking it that much - I think the crap that followed in its wake hurt SCREAM's staying power, at least in my mind.
ReplyDeleteChris, I agree, very good piece. I'm not sure if it was before or after Scary Movie but there was another Scream spoof that I think went direct to video and was called something like Shriek if you Know What I Did Last Friday The 13th. Man, that one was bad. Also should mention the too-hip-for-its-own-good werewolve movie that Craven made after these movies, Cursed. That was a bad one too.
ReplyDeleteFor Scary Movie 2, I can never forgive Scream.
ReplyDeleteScream is an excellent choice, my pick for one of the most influential films of the last 20 years. And though I've seen it only once, I still cherish the feeling I had watching Drew Barrymore tormented by the guy in the Munch mask. Even though that is now one of the most parodied scenes in film history. Perhaps second only to Jimmy Stewart having to dive away from the crop duster in North by Northwest. Okay, perhaps third behind Jimmy Stewart and the crop duster and Marilyn Monroe and the blast of hot air. Okay, perhaps fourth ... maybe I should just write a "most parodied scenes" post on my own blog and stop taking up space here.
ReplyDeleteSimon- what about Scary Movie 4, which made 2 seem like a masterpiece.
ReplyDeleteVance-That would be a good post. I agree with you that Scream is an inspired pick and it's only number 20!
I enjoy scream but I find that apart from the 'wink at the audience' notion that the teens have seen the films there is nothing half as interesting in it as Wes Craven's New Nightmare. The only difference being that it captured the public and renewed Hollywood mood for good looking teens.
ReplyDeleteI remember thinking this was great at the time and hearing people say it was garbarge, so it's good to know I wasn't the only one who recognized the film's strong points!
ReplyDelete"Scream" definitely reinvigorated horror movies and changed the game. It's like it was with "Halloween" -- there are movies made before it and after it, and the ones after are influenced undeniably by the trailblazing original. "Scream" had fun with horror movie conventions and still managed to pop some genuine scares.
Vance - I agree with Mike...that sounds like a great idea!
ReplyDeleteWynter - I remember thinking NEW NIGHTMARE was okay when I first saw it, but it hasn't lingered too much in the old brain. I saw it is on Instant Viewing, so I'll definitely have to give it a second viewing.